Thursday 26 February 2009

SIRAPITE, as stage further

This image shows the test fitting of the cab and tender to the SIRAPITE boiler assembly. The over-riding problem is that the original engine, being made as a 'One-off' and being assembled 'As-it-comes', does not provide many reference points for accurate alignment of parts. Thus the need to pre-assemble, measure,adjust, look again, try and fore-see future troubles with fittings and then make the difficult decision to drill the NEW fixing holes. An extra problem here, was to make off-center allowance for the Buffer Beams due to the fact that the whole engine assembly is set off to one side with respect to the Driving wheels and track, necessitated by the size of the driving spur-wheel on the inside of one pair of the track wheels. The spur gears occur only on one side of the engine. Remember that this engine is a 'TRAM-WAY' design and is not driven by a crankshaft axle on the driving wheels.

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